Unveiling the Unique Diet and Feeding Habits of Trilobites through an Extraordinary Fossil

Unveiling the Unique Diet and Feeding Habits of Trilobites through an Extraordinary Fossil

A mysterious, prehistoric ​marine ⁣creature⁣ has spilled its guts. ‍For the first​ time, scientists have unearthed a fossilized trilobite‍ whose final meals were preserved within its digestive system.
Many of the more than 20,000 described species⁤ of trilobites,⁢ a group that existed between 520 ​million ​and 252 million years ago, were prominent members of marine⁤ ecosystems. Some ⁤species may⁤ have⁤ even ‌had dual digestive tracts, ⁣though B. incola did not⁤ (SN: 10/31/14). The new find not only provides ⁣direct evidence​ of what⁤ some ​trilobites may have eaten, but it also hints⁢ about their ‌physiology and how⁤ they foraged.
Tightly packed clumps of⁣ shelly bits throughout the‍ tubelike gut suggest that⁤ the trilobite fed almost continuously before it died, perhaps by scavenging the seafloor for broken remains of shelled creatures ⁢and ⁢digesting the ⁤soft tissues⁤ still attached to⁢ them. ⁢Trilobites‍ typically didn’t have sturdy mouthparts and thus‌ wouldn’t ‌have had a powerful bite, says Vaškaninová, of Charles‍ University in Prague.
And since‌ the calcium-rich⁣ shells in the gut show no ‍signs⁤ of being​ dissolved, the trilobite probably had a gut⁣ environment with ⁤an alkaline or neutral pH, Vaškaninová ⁢and colleagues ⁤suggest. That sort⁢ of biochemistry would have reduced the ⁣amount of dissolved calcium entering its bloodstream, which would ‌be‍ metabolically difficult ‌to get rid of, the team proposes.

2023-09-27 10:00:00
Original from www.sciencenews.org

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