Unveiling the Resilience of U.S. Food Supply Chains: Insights from Researchers

Unveiling the Resilience of U.S. Food Supply Chains: Insights from Researchers

Researchers ⁤have⁣ identified ⁣a number ‌of‌ chokepoints in U.S. agricultural‌ and food⁢ supply chains⁢ through‌ a⁢ study that⁢ improves our ​understanding of‍ agri-food⁢ supply‌ chain ‍security ‌and may aid policies aimed ‌at⁣ enhancing ⁢its resilience. The work is presented⁤ in a​ paper published ‍in the ‍July 20, 2023, ⁢issue‌ of ⁢the ‌journal Nature ‍Food,‌ “Structural chokepoints determine ‌the⁤ resilience ‌of agri-food ⁣supply chains ‌in ‌the United States,” ‍by authors ​including CEE⁢ Associate⁢ Professor​ Megan ‍Konar ⁣and⁣ CEE Ph.D.‌ student‍ Deniz Berfin⁤ Karakoc.

The ‍agricultural ​and food systems ⁢of‍ the​ United ‌States ‌are critical ​for ensuring the ⁤stability of ‌both⁢ domestic​ and global ‍food‌ systems, so⁣ it is essential​ to understand the structural‌ resilience of the ⁢country’s​ agri-food supply ‍chains to threats,⁤ researchers‌ write.⁤ Because‍ the ‌United ​States ‍plays a key role⁤ in ⁤a‌ highly​ integrated global food system, ⁢the ​resilience⁢ and security ‍of⁣ the ⁣U.S.⁣ food supply chain has implications⁣ for global ‍food ⁢security. Additionally,⁢ agricultural⁤ and food system‌ security and‌ resilience⁣ is increasingly recognized ⁣as a non-traditional ‌defense ​objective in ‌the national ​security community‍ and‌ is​ critical ‌to ⁤the mission ​of U.S. ⁣national ⁢defense agencies.

“We‍ were inspired to perform ‍this research due to the ‌supply chain ‌disruptions during‍ the⁣ pandemic ‌and in ⁤response to the⁣ Executive Order ​on⁢ America’s ⁤Supply ⁣Chains, ⁤which ‍highlights‌ the importance‍ of​ supply⁣ chains for ⁣national ​security,” Konar ⁣says. “We hope ⁢this ⁤research can contribute to⁢ more ⁣resilient and secure food supply chains.”

Chokepoints⁣ are locations that ⁢are critical ⁢for ‍distributing agri-food commodities ⁢throughout ⁤the ‌country.​ While ⁢much ⁢research⁣ on agri-food‌ supply ⁤chains ⁢has‍ been from⁢ the⁤ perspective ⁤of ‍industrial firms with‍ a ⁣focus‌ on ⁢logistics, cost-savings‌ and⁢ resilience, ‌the researchers took ‌a national​ and⁢ global ​security ⁤perspective​ due to⁢ growing threats‌ such as pandemics, ‌extreme ⁢weather events,⁤ climate‍ shocks, and ⁤cyber and terrorist attacks.‍ The ‍researchers‌ employed a ⁤complex network ‌approach ⁣to⁤ determine the ‌chokepoints⁤ within ​the​ agri-food⁢ supply‍ chains in⁤ the continental​ U.S.⁢ for⁣ the years ‍2007,‍ 2012 and 2017.⁤ They found ​that ⁢chokepoints‍ were⁣ generally consistent over time.

Co-authors​ also include ⁢Michael ⁤J. Puma of ‌the Center ‍for Climate​ Systems‌ Research at ⁣Columbia‌ University ⁣and Lav‌ R. Varshney of ⁢the‌ Department of‍ Electrical and Computer Engineering⁢ at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

2023-07-22⁢ 18:00:04
Link from‌ phys.org

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