Unveiling the Link Between the Mind and Mitochondria

Unveiling the Link Between the Mind and Mitochondria

As befits the child of ⁢a scientist, Martin ‌Picard’s ‍young son, 3, is already learning about biology with an age-appropriate ⁣textbook, “Cell Biology for⁢ Babies.” Picard winces a little whenever the book calls mitochondria the “powerhouses of the cell” but ‍figures he has plenty of time as his son grows older to explain why the tiny organelles⁤ are much more than⁤ simple ⁤energy sources.

Picard is a leading proponent of mitochondrial psychobiology (a phrase ‍he coined), an emerging field that examines how psychological ⁢states like stress influence mitochondrial functions, ⁢which in turn influence mental and physical health.

“The ⁢powerhouse analogy is outdated and one-dimensional and can impede⁢ science by limiting researchers’‌ perceptions of what mitochondria can do,” says​ Picard, associate professor ⁢of behavioral medicine in psychiatry and neurology.

Among ⁣other roles, mitochondria are now known to⁢ trigger cell death when needed,⁢ synthesize all circulating steroid hormones related to reproduction, and command the nucleus to turn on or turn off genes.

“It makes more sense to think of mitochondria as the information ​processors of ⁤the cell,” he says. “They are equipped with ⁢a surprisingly wide⁢ variety of‌ receptors to sense what’s going ⁤on in the ‍cell, they⁤ integrate all this information, ⁣and they then tell the nucleus and other organelles what to do ‍to maintain the health of the organism.”

2023-09-21 02:48:02
Original ‍from phys.org rnrn

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