Unveiling the Intriguing Possibility: Did a Netflix True Crime Documentary Feature AI-Generated Images of a Living Person?

Netflix has come under fire for allegedly incorporating AI-manipulated visuals⁤ in the true ​crime documentary What Jennifer ⁣Did, as reported by Futurism. The images exhibit telltale signs of AI manipulation, such ⁤as distorted hands and peculiar artifacts. ​This⁣ revelation sparks concerns about the ethical use of such visuals in documentaries, especially ‍considering that the individual portrayed is currently incarcerated awaiting a retrial.

One striking example showcases Jennifer Pan’s left hand in ‍a severely distorted ⁢state, while another image displays an unusual gap ⁢in ‍her cheek. Despite the⁤ glaring evidence of manipulation, Netflix has‌ not‌ yet addressed the⁣ issue, and these images‍ were not identified as AI-generated.


It is speculated that the AI might have generated ‌these visuals based on authentic photos of Pan,⁤ as ‍suggested by‌ PetaPixel. However, the⁤ outcome could potentially be perceived⁢ as ⁣biased rather than impartially ⁣presenting the case’s facts.

Following a Canadian court of appeal’s decision to order Pan’s retrial due to issues with the initial trial…

2024-04-16 04:00:25
Link from www.engadget.com

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