Unveiling the Enigmatic Origins of Stonehenge’s Altar Stone from Scotland

Unveiling the Enigmatic Origins of Stonehenge’s Altar Stone from Scotland

Recent research​ suggests that Stonehenge may have ‌a Scottish connection at its⁤ core. A study analyzing‌ the ​age and ‌composition of mineral grains in Altar ​Stone fragments found a​ striking similarity to a rock formation in Scotland known as ⁤the Orcadian Basin. This discovery, published ‌in Nature on August 14, rules out other potential sources in the UK and Ireland for the Altar Stone.
Located within a circle of ‌smaller​ stones called bluestones, the Altar ‌Stone‌ is believed to have originated from Scotland, while most of‍ the ‌bluestones have been​ traced back to western‍ Wales, over​ 225 kilometers away. It is ‍speculated that a ⁣Welsh stone circle dating back over 5,000⁤ years may have been the ⁤starting ⁣point for Stonehenge’s construction.
This new study challenges the previous assumption that the Altar Stone, positioned near the ‌bluestone arc, also had Welsh origins.

Date: 2024-08-14 10:00:00
Originally published on‍ www.sciencenews.org

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