Renowned game developer Alexander Ponomarev, known for his work on popular titles like Prey, Path of Exile, and Call of Duty Black Ops III, has unveiled an exciting new project on Kickstarter called Trench Tales. This upcoming third-person shooter, set in a captivating gothic world, is being brought to life by the talented team at Talking Drums, with Crytivo onboard as the publisher.
Immerse yourself in the alternate realm of Verden, a war-torn land where our protagonist is mysteriously transported. Trapped between the chaos of the First and Second World Wars, players must navigate this eerie reality and uncover the secrets that will lead them back home. Armed with an arsenal of traditional firearms and supernatural abilities such as time manipulation, energy blasts, and healing powers, the journey promises to be both thrilling and challenging.
Anticipated for a Steam release in March 2025, with plans for console versions in the pipeline, Trench Tales is currently seeking support to reach its funding goal of $60,000. With only a fraction of the target amount secured so far, every contribution counts towards making this ambitious project a reality.
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