Qualcomm has introduced the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 processor, offering flagship features at a more affordable price point than the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. It’s constructed using a 4-nanometer (nm) process with a 1+4+3 core setup, providing high performance with a prime ARM Cortex X4 at 3.0GHz, four performance cores at 2.8Ghz, and three 2.0GHz efficiency cores. This model swaps a performance core for an efficiency core compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, but still delivers impressive speed. Additionally, the chip includes a previous-gen X70 5G modem and Wi-Fi 7 support, along with hardware-accelerated ray tracing for enhanced gaming experiences. The on-device multimodal generative AI supports large language models (LLMs) with up to 10 billion parameters, making it compatible with AI assistants and more.
2024-03-18 02:52:58
Link from www.engadget.com