Netflix has unveiled a captivating trailer for an upcoming animated series centered around the iconic tomb raider, titled Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft. The lead character is brought to life by the talented Hayley Atwell, known for her memorable roles as Peggy Carter in the Marvel cinematic universe and Grace in “Mission: Impossible”. Despite her remarkable voice acting, Atwell’s voice is barely audible in the teaser.
Set after the reboot trilogy, “The Legend of Lara Croft” promises to delve into a new chapter of the fearless heroine’s journey, portraying her as a legendary adventurer. Lara Croft sets off on a perilous solo quest after parting ways with her companions, only to be forced back home when a valuable Chinese artifact is stolen from her estate. The thief’s enigmatic ties to Lara lead her on a globe-trotting expedition through forgotten tombs, where she must confront her innermost self and define her heroic identity.
Mark your calendars for the exclusive premiere of Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft on October 10, available only on the renowned streaming platform Netflix.
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