Understanding the Scientific Basis of Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression

Understanding the Scientific Basis of Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression

Early in the morning on August 22, 2022, Jon’s medical⁤ team told him that ​neurologist Helen Mayberg would check in with him‍ just before his deep brain stimulation surgery. “Everybody is like, ‘Dr. Mayberg⁣ is⁢ going‌ to come in and ⁤give you a⁣ pumped-up speech.’” She’d explain how everything ought to go and what the team needed from⁤ Jon. She didn’t disappoint, Jon says. “She came⁢ in and gave me the pep‌ talk: ‘All I ⁤need ⁢you to do is‌ to be present,’” ⁣she told⁤ him. “She was really adamant ​about that.”
“I’m just busting her chops, and she’s sitting there​ laughing. But that’s how completely normal you are.”
The day after surgery, Jon​ sat with Mayberg and another⁤ clinician ‍as they began to turn on and off electrodes, searching for the pattern of stimulation⁢ that would influence nerve cells in the right way and ⁤in the right spot.‍ Each time, Mayberg would⁤ ask him two key questions: Did he feel like ⁤walking ⁤his dog? And did he⁤ want ⁢to have⁤ friends‍ over to sit around his fire pit? Jon’s wife, Barbara, his dad and a crowd of⁤ doctors ⁤and researchers watched ‌a video feed of this process from an overflow room.
After trying a series ​of stimulation patterns ⁣and getting “yes” to their questions, the researchers settled on an electrical ​pattern, and Jon ‍went ⁤home to Pennsylvania. “The next day, bandaged up on my head, I not ​only ‍took the dog on a walk, I asked my‌ son‍ and​ my wife‌ to come with me. I enjoyed the walk. ⁣I​ enjoyed the ‌conversation. I enjoyed coming ‌back home. I sat outside and⁢ had coffee. It’s just surreal.”

2023-09-21​ 08:35:35
Post from www.sciencenews.org

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