Understanding the Process of ‘Atlantification’ in the Arctic Ocean: Recent Research Findings

Understanding the Process of ‘Atlantification’ in the Arctic Ocean: Recent Research Findings

New research by an international team of scientists explains what’s behind a‌ stalled trend in Arctic Ocean sea ice loss since 2007. The findings indicate​ that stronger declines in sea ice will occur when an atmospheric feature known as the Arctic dipole reverses itself ⁣in its⁣ recurring cycle.

The many environmental responses to the Arctic dipole are described in ‌a paper published online today‍ in the journal‌ Science. This analysis helps ‍explain how ​North Atlantic water ⁣influences Arctic Ocean climate. Scientists call it Atlantification.

The research is led by professor ​Igor Polyakov of the University of Alaska ‍Fairbanks College of Natural Science and Mathematics. ‍He is also affiliated with the International Arctic Research Center at UAF.

Co-authors include Andrey V. Pnyushkov, research assistant professor at the International Arctic Research Center; Uma S. Bhatt, ‍atmospheric sciences professor at the UAF Geophysical Institute and UAF College of Natural Science ⁣and Mathematics; and researchers from Massachusetts, Washington state, Norway, and⁣ Germany.

“This is a multidisciplinary view on what’s⁢ going on in the Arctic and beyond,” Polyakov said of the new research. “Our analysis covered the atmosphere, ocean, ice, changing continents⁣ and changing biology in response to climate change.”

2023-09-02 09:48:02
Post from phys.org

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