Understanding the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Understanding the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Ten days⁤ of relentless bombing of Gaza by Israel has caused widespread destruction to schools and hospitals and displaced nearly a million ⁣people, with aid agencies warning of a “catastrophic” shortage of medical supplies⁤ in the besieged enclave.

Israel‍ has justified its brutal assault ⁣in the wake of Hamas attacks on ‌October 7⁤ that left at least 1,300 Israelis dead. It has since cut off water, power and fuel supplies, trapping ​2.3 million​ people.

The International Committee of the Red ‌Cross (ICRC) described the situation in ‌Gaza as ⁢“abhorrent” as ⁣residents scramble⁢ for basic necessities such as food ‌and water ‌and struggle to get ‌medical care in ‍hospitals at the breaking point.

Israel has ordered 1.1 million people to move from the north to the south, causing panic and‌ misery to tens of⁣ thousands⁤ in ⁣a territory that​ has ​been ​facing economic stagnation due to 16 years of Israeli blockades.

Here’s what we know about how recent‌ Israeli attacks ‍have made daily life in​ Gaza even ​more difficult:

The United Kingdom-based Medical Aid for‌ Palestinians (MAP) group ‍says hospitals in Gaza are facing a “catastrophic”​ shortage ⁤of medical supplies, amid ​Israel’s “total blockade”.

Source from www.aljazeera.com

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