Uncovering Justice: America’s Ongoing Quest for Fairness Knows No Boundaries

Uncovering Justice: America’s Ongoing Quest for Fairness Knows No Boundaries

The pursuit of justice in America is not confined to a typical nine-to-five schedule. Judge ⁤Jonathan Svetkey expressed⁤ his gratitude to a team of defense attorneys during a recent Night Court arraignment in Manhattan. The attorneys had been diligently working to secure mental-health services and a ⁢place to ​stay for their client. Despite their⁤ efforts, the judge was doubtful that the defendant would⁢ comply with their requests. He ultimately set bail at $5,000, emphasizing the demanding nature of Night Court, which typically handles ⁢70-90 cases per shift.

During the day, Manhattan’s Criminal Court is a hive​ of activity, with long lines⁤ at the entrance and a constant‍ flow⁢ of lawyers, jurors, defendants, and‌ police. However, after 5pm, the building empties out, except for two courtrooms that ⁣remain open⁤ until 1am to process ‌arraignments.

Night Court has long been ⁣an essential component of ⁤New ⁢York City’s criminal justice system, helping to prevent further backlog in‍ the courts. Moreover, the implementation ⁣of late shifts reflects a broader national initiative to enhance ‍efficiency and ‍public confidence in‌ the justice system by utilizing alternative‌ hours.

2024-02-15 10:59:41
Source from www.economist.com

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