UK education secretary says trans guidance prioritizes children’s well-being in schools – UK politics live

UK education secretary says trans guidance prioritizes children’s well-being in schools – UK politics live

Key events1m agoRishi Sunak questioned by Commons liaison committee20m⁢ agoGove says government will achieve its 300,000 per year housebuilding⁤ target ⁤when‌ interest rates back to normal32m ⁣agoChris Heaton-Harris raises financial offer to Northern ‍Ireland to revive power sharing at Stormont to £3.3bn1h agoSocial care ​sector has ‘grave concerns’ about new visa rules, ​MPs told1h agoLiz Truss claims ⁢new trans guidance does not protect children, and calls for de facto ban on social transitioning by under-18s2h agoKeegan says trans‍ guidance for schools puts ‘best interests of all children first’, with parents’ views ‘at heart of​ all decisions’2h agoGove rejects claim that Tories are planning nimbys, saying he will not let councils hold back legitimate building3h agoRecall byelection petition for Peter Bone MP to close at 5pm3h agoEU fingerprint checks for British travellers to start in 20243h agoMichael‍ Gove attacks Sadiq Khan’s record on housebuilding ⁢as he sets out⁣ new planning policy for EnglandFilters BETAKey events ⁣(10)Michael Gove (11)Sadiq Khan⁢ (3)Rishi Sunak (3)1m ago07.58 ESTRishi Sunak ‍questioned by Commons liaison committee

Rishi Sunak is about to start ⁣one of his regular hearings with the Commons liaison committee.

According to the committee, he​ will be asked about global affairs, economic issues, ‍Cop28 ‌and energy concerns.

4m ago07.56 ESTMourners ⁣arriving for the funeral service of former chancellor Alistair Darling at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh this morning. Photograph: Andy Buchanan/AFP/Getty Images7m ago07.52 EST

Mermaids, a charity that⁣ supports transgender children, has described ‌today’s government ⁤guidance for schools on trans pupils as “unworkable”. A spokesperson said:

All young people deserve an⁢ accepting and ⁢supportive school environment to learn and be their ⁤authentic selves.

The UK government’s draft trans guidance for schools in England seeks to prevent that. Its approach is unworkable, out​ of‌ touch ⁤and ‍absurd.

Rather than ‌listening to trans young people and reflecting best practice of‍ inclusive educators across ⁢the UK, the government has created more confusion for schools and is ‌putting​ young people ‌at risk.

11m ago07.49 EST

Q: There⁣ are claims that housing cannot be expanded around ⁢Cambridge without a new⁤ reservoir. But at the very​ earliest that ⁢won’t be‌ built until 2029, and it could take longer. Will ‍you work ‍with ⁤Anglia​ Water to deliver ⁣it?

Gove says he will do that. ​But he says more​ must be done to unlock unnecessary infrastracture.

14m ago07.45 EST

Gove ⁤says‍ he loves Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London. ‍But he ⁤says Khan​ needs help to deliver more homes.

The audience laughs at⁣ the transparent insincerity of Gove’s ⁣opening claim.

16m ago07.44 EST

Q: Do councils have enough staff to deliver⁢ more homes?

Gove says‌ he ⁤thinks there are highly capable people in local government. ‍He thinks ⁤they have the ⁣resources they need to deliver this.

But if they ​need extra resources, he will ​consider the case for…

2023-12-19 07:49:15
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