U.N. Officials Report Shelling of Crowded Shelter in Gaza Amid Escalating Mideast Crisis

U.N. Officials Report Shelling of Crowded Shelter in Gaza Amid Escalating Mideast Crisis

Israel was ⁤attempting to ‌create a buffer zone between Gaza and Israel by demolishing⁢ part of a Palestinian neighborhood. However, around 20 Israeli soldiers were killed in an explosion during‍ the demolition.⁣ The explosion occurred after Gazan militants fired⁤ towards ‌an Israeli tank guarding a unit ​that was ⁢setting​ explosives inside ⁤Palestinian ​buildings. The intention was to create a security⁢ zone, making it harder for militants to ⁤repeat ⁤a⁤ raid like that of Oct. 7. The‌ military’s goal is to create conditions that will persuade Israeli evacuees that it is ⁤safe to return home. The idea of a buffer⁢ zone has gained momentum⁣ in⁤ Israeli discourse, but the U.S. administration opposes it. However,​ Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken expressed openness to a ‌temporary⁣ buffer zone ⁢to enable Israelis ⁤who‌ had fled homes along the Gaza⁤ border‍ to return. For‌ more information, ⁢you can visit www.nytimes.com.

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