Twitter’s Transformation into X Expected to Devastate Brand Value

Twitter’s Transformation into X Expected to Devastate Brand Value

(Bloomberg) — It’s rare ⁣for corporate brands to become so intertwined with everyday conversation that they ⁢become verbs. It’s rarer still for the owner of such⁢ a brand to announce plans to intentionally destroy it.

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On Sunday, in the middle of ‍a⁣ quiet summer weekend, Elon Musk ‍decreed that Twitter’s product name ​would be changed to‌ “X,” and that he is getting rid of ‍the bird logo and all the associated words, including “tweet.” Musk’s move wiped out anywhere between $4 billion‌ and $20 billion in value, ‌according to analysts and ‍brand agencies.

“It‍ took 15-plus years to earn that much equity worldwide, so losing Twitter as a ‌brand name is a significant financial hit,” said Steve Susi, director of brand communication‌ at Siegel & Gale.

Musk, whose company has already declined significantly in value since he purchased it for $44 billion in October, announced the change on Saturday night. By Monday morning a new black⁤ “X” logo, designed by a…

2023-07-25 ‌13:17:05
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