Trump Could Benefit from a Mug Shot

Trump Could Benefit from a Mug Shot

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How a Mug Shot of a Democratic Nominee Could Benefit Trump’s Agenda


As the 2020 Presidential Elections draw closer, the political climate is getting heated up. Recently, some of the Democratic nominees who were once rivals have been speculated to have engaged in corrupt or illegal activities, and some of them have even been arrested. While many of us would believe that any criminal activity should disqualify someone from running for elections, but it could actually play right into Donald Trump’s hands.

Trump’s Strategy:

Donald Trump is known for his unconventional political strategies, and he has a history of attacking his opponents’ characters rather than their policies. By doing so, he taps into the electorate’s emotions and creates a sense of distrust and disdain towards his rivals. In this sense, a mug shot of a Democratic nominee would provide Trump with an opportunity to paint a picture of corruption and dishonesty, which could ultimately undermine the nominee’s credibility.

Furthermore, since the media tends to focus on sensational news stories, a mug shot would be an easy way for Trump to dominate the news cycle and distract from his own controversies. With the media’s help, he could easily brand his opponent as the “criminal” and himself as the “law and order” candidate.

Impact on the Election:

In the 2016 Presidential Elections, Trump ran a campaign that was fuelled by emotions rather than facts, and he largely ignored traditional political etiquette. He attacked his opponents’ characters rather than their policies, and he managed to identity himself as the “politically incorrect” candidate.

If one of the Democratic nominees ends up in a mug shot, Trump could use this as an opportunity to repeat the same playbook. This would help him to energize his base and create a narrative where he is the “victim” and his opponent is the “perpetrator”. In such a scenario, any policies or ideas presented by the Democratic nominee would become secondary to the negative publicity they would receive.


In conclusion, a mugshot could indeed play right into Trump’s hands during the 2020 Presidential Elections. While criminal activity should never be condoned, it’s important for the Democratic nominees to be cautious and not give Trump any opportunities to attack their credibility. Instead, they should focus on presenting a clear vision for the country, and stay away from engaging in any activities that could undermine their candidacy.

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