Triangulum Constellation

Triangulum Constellation

Constellation Triangulum

The Triangulum constellation, also known as Triangulum Australe, is a small constellation located in the southern sky. It is one of the 88 modern constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

This constellation is named after the Latin word for “triangle” due to its triangular shape composed of three bright stars.

Triangulum is one of the oldest-known constellations, mentioned by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD. The three main stars that form the triangle are Atria, Betria, and Gamatria.

Interesting Facts about Triangulum:

  • Triangulum is located near another small constellation called Apus. Together, they represent the two birds of paradise – the smaller and the larger.
  • Triangulum Australe was part of an even larger constellation known as Argo Navis, which was divided into three separate constellations in the 18th century.
  • As it is located in the southern hemisphere, Triangulum is not visible from many northern latitudes.
  • The Triangulum constellation is best seen in the southern hemisphere during the summer months.


In Greek mythology, Triangulum could represent the island of Rhodes, while nearby constellations depict gods who protected the island. Some traditions also associate it with mountain peaks, pyramids, or sacred hills.

The legend of Triangulum revolves around a tragic love story. It tells the tale of a beautiful nymph named Callisto, who was turned into a bear by the jealous goddess Hera. Zeus, her lover, transformed her into the Triangulum constellation to protect her from Hera’s wrath.

Observing Triangulum:

Observing Triangulum can be a delightful experience if you are in the southern hemisphere or at a latitude that provides clear views of the southern sky.

Since it is a small constellation, finding it can be a bit challenging. The best time to observe Triangulum is during the summer months, when it culminates (reaches its highest point) in the sky.

Remember to find a dark area away from city lights for optimal viewing conditions. Consider using a pair of binoculars or a small telescope to better appreciate the stars, especially the bright ones forming the triangle shape.

In Conclusion:

Triangulum is a captivating constellation with a rich history and intriguing mythology. Its triangular shape and notable stars make it an interesting target for stargazers in the southern hemisphere.

If given the opportunity, make sure to explore its celestial beauty during a warm summer’s night. Triangulum will surely leave you in awe of the vastness and wonder of our universe.


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