Tragic Midair Collision: Malaysian Navy Helicopters Claim 10 Lives

A tragic incident ⁤occurred in the northwestern state of⁤ Perak, Malaysia, where two Malaysian Navy helicopters​ collided during‌ a training session, resulting in the ​loss of​ all 10 individuals on board. This marks the ‍second recent accident involving government aircraft in the country.

The collision‌ took‌ place while the helicopters were practicing for the upcoming 90th-anniversary celebration of the Royal Malaysian Navy. ‌The crash happened at⁤ 9:32 a.m. at the naval base in Lumut, where all crew members tragically lost their lives.

Videos capturing the midair collision and the subsequent debris ⁣falling from the sky have been shared by Malaysian news outlets, showcasing the devastating event.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim expressed ⁤his sorrow over the incident, calling it⁢ a “heart-wrenching and soul-destroying tragedy.” Malaysia’s king, Sultan Ibrahim,‌ also conveyed his⁣ deep ⁣sadness‍ over the‌ loss of national heroes in this unfortunate event.

The Royal Malaysian‌ Navy has initiated an investigation into the cause of the collision and⁢ urged the public to refrain from sharing ​the⁢ video out of ‌respect for​ the families affected. There are discussions about potentially postponing the anniversary celebration in light of the tragedy.

In a separate incident last month, four individuals were rescued following a Malaysian coast ​guard helicopter crash in the Strait of Malacca.

Reporting by Tashny Sukumaran.

2024-04-23 02:29:12
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