In the many games in The Legend of Zelda series that have been released in the past three and a half decades, there have been numerous wonderful characters who for whatever reason haven’t been able to get the full attention they deserve. With the plethora of creative characters to choose from and the various timelines that Link has traveled through, it makes sense that some of these NPCs have to fall by the wayside. Yet, many of these extraordinary characters deserve a comeback and a deeper look into their unique stories.
Some of the best Legend of Zelda games are made great because of the characters represented within the story who players get to interact with. These silly NPCs or fearsome enemies are memorable for their unique personalities. It would be fun for players to be able to not only see them return to future games but uncover more of who they are and what their stories might hold.
Surprisingly, the Happy Mask Salesman is in more Zelda games than many people think. He is commonly thought of for his roles in Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, but he has also made small appearances in Oracle of Ages and even Super Smash Bros. titles. This self-dubbed “Happiness Salesman,” who is in fact exceptionally creepy, clearly has a pretty interesting backstory to lead him to this career, and therefore he deserves more time in the Zelda spotlight.
Groose from Zelda: Skyward Sword is a fascinating character with incredible hair. His vain attitude and crush on Princess Zelda make him a bit of a rival for Link, while also not being evil enough to become an enemy. Groose actually is not a bad guy deep down and his character growth throughout Skyward Sword is admirable. His arrogant assertions such as declaring the ground should be dubbed “Grooseland” give him a lot of comedic value, and ultimately this stubborn and pompous character could easily provide the story to a future Zelda game.
Ingo from Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a very complicated character who did not get enough time to be fully fleshed out. A farmhand on Lon Lon Ranch who becomes the manager, he goes through a lot of different personalities in the short time he is in the game. Starting as a complaining farmhand who then becomes a cruel manager who mistreats animals and overworks Malon, to eventually becoming a friendly and kind person, he clearly has some struggles behind the scenes that deserve some explanation.
2023-06-04 07:30:04
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