Tokyo’s Sazenka: A Top Chinese Restaurant in the World

Tokyo’s Sazenka: A Top Chinese Restaurant in the World


Inside a dimly lit dining room, chef Tomoya Kawada of Sazenka is drawing a yin-yang diagram on a notepad as he explains his dreams for the distant future.

“World peace through food,” he says.

Such words could easily be dismissed as idealistic hyperbole. But coming from Kawada, they sound almost reassuring – and even attainable.

After all, this Japanese chef has achieved a feat no other restaurateur has before; he’s created the world’s only three-Michelin-star Chinese restaurant in a non-Chinese-speaking city. Not an easy task in the tightly guarded world of Chinese kitchens.

Set inside a former diplomat’s house in a quiet upscale residential district, Sazenka’s rise was swift. It was awarded two stars by the Michelin Guide in 2017 – the same year it opened. Another star…

2023-03-30 06:01:19
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