Time to Profit After Green Investors Suffered Crushing Losses

Time to Profit After Green Investors Suffered Crushing Losses

James Mackintosh

Updated Dec.⁣ 5, 2023 12:06 am‌ ET

Invest according to your political views, and you’re unlikely ⁤to make money. Companies that appeal to left-wingers or to right-wingers might be ‍good or bad investments, but the fact of being, on current politics, clean and union-friendly for the left or oily and gun-friendly for the right is neither⁣ here nor there. What​ matters is⁢ their⁢ ability to make money ‌and how highly they are valued.

This has been rammed home for environmentally-minded investors in the past year, as a coordinated selloff in anything‍ with green credentials crushed the idea ‍of making money while doing good.

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2023-12-05 00:06:00
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