The Transformation of Mexico into the “Adversary” of America’s Republicans

The Transformation of Mexico into the “Adversary” of America’s Republicans

How⁢ Mexico⁢ has​ become ⁢the “enemy”⁢ of America’s Republicans

More ​than once, ⁣as ⁣president, Donald Trump mused ⁤about⁣ firing missiles at ​the ​drug ⁣labs ‌of Mexican‍ cartels. ⁣“No one ‍would know it​ was us,” ⁢he declared, before⁤ being talked out​ of the idea. ‍Mark‍ Esper, the ‌then ‍defence ⁣secretary, ⁣recounted ‌the ⁤incident‌ in⁢ his⁣ memoirs published last ‌year, ⁣astonished ​that ‍bombing ⁢a ‌neighbour⁤ could be seriously thought of.‍

Now the​ extraordinary is ⁤becoming more ⁢commonplace‍ as Republicans argue ‌that ​greater⁢ use⁤ of military ‌force,⁢ or ⁤the ⁤threat ​of⁣ it, can help‌ control⁤ America’s southern⁣ border ‍and‌ curb the smuggling of‍ fentanyl, ⁣a ⁣synthetic ‌opioid that is‍ produced‍ illegally in Mexico.‌

One congressman,‌ Michael McCaul of⁣ Texas, has ⁢introduced ‍a bill to⁤ classify fentanyl ⁢as ‍a “chemical ​weapon”.⁢ Lindsey Graham,⁤ a senator from ‌South ​Carolina, ‍is⁣ pushing ⁣one to designate Mexican‍ cartels as⁤ “foreign ⁢terrorist organisations”. ‌Dan Crenshaw and ​Mike Waltz,‍ congressmen ⁣from Texas⁣ and‌ Florida ‌respectively, have ⁢proposed⁣ another that would⁢ authorise ⁢“all ⁤necessary and⁣ appropriate force” ⁤against‍ foreign‌ states, organisations ⁢or people‌ linked ‌to trafficking ‍fentanyl.

2023-07-20‌ 08:21:30
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