The Sudanese Army Leader States that Evacuation of American Citizens and Other Foreign Nationals is Planned.

The Sudanese Army Leader States that Evacuation of American Citizens and Other Foreign Nationals is Planned.

On Saturday, the leader of the Sudanese Army announced that citizens from the United States and a few other countries would be evacuated in the coming hours as two clashing military factions continue to fight for control over the country. General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who is currently the country’s de facto leader, stated that his troops would also assist in the evacuation of diplomats and citizens from Britain, China, and France. However, it is still unclear how and when these departures will be organized, as the international airport in Khartoum remains closed and roads throughout the country are dangerous.

At this time, the claims made by General al-Burhan cannot be immediately confirmed. The United States Embassy in Sudan has issued a security alert, stating that due to the uncertain security situation in Khartoum and the closure of the airport, it is not currently safe to undertake a U.S. government-coordinated evacuation.

2023-04-22 06:36:54
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