During the State of Play presentation this morning, Shift Up studio unveiled a captivating six-minute trailer for the action-packed game Stellar Blade. Fans were immediately drawn to the trailer, which showcased the main heroine, Stellar Blade, changing her outfit an impressive 26 times. The diverse range of clothing, from elegant suits to a playful bunny costume, has left fans eagerly anticipating the game’s release. Not only did the outfits change, but the hairstyle also underwent multiple transformations, delighting fans who appreciate cosmetic customization in games.
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Furthermore, the trailer revealed that the game will not be subject to censorship, much to the relief of concerned players. The fearless display of the heroine’s attire, including a glimpse of her panties, reassured fans that the game will not be censored by Sony. Excitement for Stellar Blade is at an all-time high following this thrilling trailer.
Link from www.playground.ru