The Significance of Taiwan’s Election: Key Points to Understand

The Significance of Taiwan’s Election: Key Points to Understand

Taipei, Taiwan – In ​what is⁣ set to be a historic year for elections worldwide, Taiwanese voters will head to the polls this week to choose their next ⁤president, vice president and legislative representatives on January 13.

Despite a population of just​ 23.5 million people, Taiwan’s election⁣ carries an ​outsized importance due to its disputed political ​status. While ‍de‍ facto independent since⁤ the 1940s, the island and its outlying territories are still claimed by⁣ the Chinese‍ Communist Party (CCP) – something nearly all Taiwanese reject but fear saying ​publicly because of the ⁢risk of war.

Despite a population of just 23.5 million people, Taiwan’s election​ carries​ an outsized importance due to its disputed ⁢political status.⁢ While de facto independent since the 1940s, the island and its outlying territories are still claimed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – something nearly all Taiwanese ⁢reject but fear saying‍ publicly because of the risk of war.

Observers in ⁤the United States and China will be closely watching the outcome to see whether voters opt for the more conservative and Beijing-friendly Kuomintang (KMT) or the more ‍centre-left and US-friendly Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which has ruled Taiwan​ for the past eight years.

There is‍ also the smaller Taiwan’s People Party (TPP), which lies somewhere between both‌ parties on the political spectrum.

Since its first⁣ democratic elections in 1996, Taiwan’s two‍ major political parties have alternated leadership every eight ⁣years – but‍ this year, ‌the DPP’s William Lai Ching-te is​ the ​frontrunner with​ the KMT, which has far failed to ⁢mount a substantial challenge to Lai following the collapse of ⁣efforts to agree on a​ joint opposition ticket with the TPP.

While voters are unhappy with key domestic issues such⁣ as Taiwan’s stagnant economy, the high ⁤cost of housing⁣ and the future of the ‌island’s energy policies, the presidential election is often overshadowed by the‍ bigger question ⁤of Taiwan’s political status.

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