The Secrets of Rotaviruses Unveiled by Mexican Virologist Susana López Charretón

The Secrets of Rotaviruses Unveiled by Mexican Virologist Susana López Charretón

Susana López Charretón is among Mexico’s leading ⁣virologists. ⁢She has been awarded the UNESCO–Carlos J. Finlay Prize ​for Microbiology ⁤and ‌the L’Oréal-UNESCO For ⁢Women in Science award. She’s the only female Mexican scientist to have edited the Journal of Virology.
Instead, it’s curiosity and a thirst for understanding and solving problems that drive her. ​“To me science is a way of​ living,⁢ something that fulfills me completely,” López Charretón says.
For four decades, she has devoted her life to studying how rotaviruses⁤ infect human cells. These double-stranded RNA viruses ​were described ​in 1973 by Australian virologist Ruth ⁣Bishop and colleagues, when those ‍researchers discovered a virus particle present⁣ in the intestinal tissue of children with diarrhea.
Known to cause severe gastroenteritis,‌ including acute diarrhea, vomiting, fever and‌ dehydration, rotaviruses mainly affect babies and small children. Worldwide, the ​viruses are responsible⁣ for ⁤the deaths of some 100,000 or more children ages 5 ​and under every year.

2023-08-29 10:00:00
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