The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Sahara Desert Society Linked to Groundwater

The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Sahara Desert Society Linked to Groundwater

With its low quantities ⁣of rain and ‌soaring high temperatures, the Sahara Desert is often​ regarded as one of the most extreme and least ⁢habitable environments on Earth. While the Sahara was periodically much greener in the distant past, an‍ ancient society living in a climate very⁢ similar to today’s found a way‍ to harvest water in ​the seemingly dry Sahara—thriving ​until the ⁣water ran‌ out.

New research that will ​be presented Monday, 16 Oct., at the Geological‌ Society of ​America’s GSA Connects 2023 meeting describes how ⁤a series of serendipitous environmental factors allowed an ancient Saharan civilization, the Garamantian Empire, to extract groundwater hidden in the subsurface, sustaining the society for nearly a⁤ millennia ⁢until the water was depleted.

“Societies rise and fall ⁢at ‌the pleasure⁤ of the ‍physical system, such that there are special features that let humanity grow up there,” ⁣says Frank Schwartz, professor in the School of Earth Sciences ‍at The Ohio State University and lead author‌ of the research study.

Monsoon rains had transformed the Sahara into a comparatively lush environment between ⁣11,000 and 5,000 years ago, providing surface water resources and habitable environments for civilizations to thrive. When the monsoon rains stopped 5,000‌ years ago, the Sahara turned back into a desert, and civilizations retreated from the area—aside from an⁣ unusual outlier.

The Garamantes lived in the⁣ southwestern Libyan desert from 400 BCE to 400 CE under nearly the same‌ hyper-arid ‍conditions that exist there today and were the first urbanized society to become established in a desert that lacked a continuously flowing ‌river. The surface ‍water lakes⁤ and rivers‌ of the “Green ​Sahara” times were long gone by the time the Garamantes​ arrived, but there was luckily‍ water stored underground ‌in a large sandstone aquifer—potentially⁣ one of the largest aquifers in the world, according to Schwartz.

2023-10-14 14:24:04
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