The Potential of Origami in Disease Diagnoses

The Potential of Origami in Disease Diagnoses

Researchers at the USC ⁤Viterbi School ​of Engineering ⁢looked ⁢to origami to create new sensors that‌ could​ someday be ⁢employed to detect deformations in‌ organs and also⁤ for use in wearables and soft⁣ robotics.

Their paper, ⁢”High-Stretchability and Low-Hysteresis ⁣Strain Sensors Using Origami-Inspired 3D Mesostructures,” featured in Science ⁤Advances explains ⁤how USC researchers Hangbo⁢ Zhao, Xinghao ‍Huang, Liangshu ‌Liu, Yung Hsin Lin, ⁢Rui Feng, Yiyang Shen, ‍and Yuanning Chang developed⁣ “stretchable strain sensors,” that⁢ can measure how much an object strains or deforms.

“The challenge,” says the paper’s corresponding author, USC Assistant Professor​ of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, Hangbo Zhao, “is to create⁤ sensors that ⁣can stretch significantly, respond quickly,⁤ and give precise readings ⁤even when measuring large and dynamic deformations.”

Current stretchable strain sensors‍ mostly use soft materials like rubber—but this type of material can have irreversible changes in the material properties through repeated use, thus producing unreliable metrics related to ⁣deformation ​detection.

Researchers thus devised a new type of structure ⁢for the sensors. Inspired by‍ origami, more rigid materials are folded with electrodes ​on each side of ⁣the panel (imagine the sensor as an⁣ upside down, opened book with two electrodes on the‍ front‍ and ‌back covers). As the electrodes unfold the strength of the electrical field between the electrodes is captured. ​A model developed by​ the team then converts⁤ this reading into a measurement that captures‍ the amplitude of the deformation.

USC researchers created ⁣new sensors that could someday be employed to detect deformations in organs and also for use in wearables and⁣ soft robotics. Credit: Zhao Research​ Group at USC⁣ Viterbi School of ‌Engineering

2023-08-26 00:00:03
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