The PC World is Struggling to Keep Pace with Apple Silicon

The PC World is Struggling to Keep Pace with Apple Silicon

Apple appears to be widening its lead over rival PC ‌makers with ⁢yet another M-series chip ⁣iteration ​for Apple Silicon.

Just‌ one ⁣look⁣ at‌ StatCounter’s⁤ current macOS data shows the ​extent to which the ​company’s⁤ move ​to⁢ develop its own Mac processors ‌is invigorating‌ the ​platform. Apple’s global⁢ macOS share⁤ now sits ⁢at 21.38%, while in‌ the ​US it enjoys ⁤an even more‍ pronounced share in​ excess ⁢of⁤ 31%.

Ten years ago, Windows held 85.6% ⁢of the ‍US⁣ desktop share to ⁤12.86% for the ​Mac.

The trend toward Mac​ isn’t new; it’s‍ something we’ve been watching emerge for⁤ many years.‍ But​ the shift⁣ to ‍Apple Silicon accelerated the ‍trend. In the last ⁤three years, the ‍Windows ⁤PC⁣ market has⁣ grown ⁢just 6% while Mac share grew 60%. ⁣In Europe,⁤ Apple now ‍sells more ​computers ‍than‍ Dell.

Doing the ⁤wrong‍ thing

The right thing ​to ‌do in a gentleman’s game is⁣ to⁣ wait for a competitor ⁤to catch up,⁤ but⁤ as most of the OS ⁢wars have already shown, the ‌PC ‌market is not that kind of‍ game. That’s why, instead of politely slowing ‌its pace, ‍Apple is ‌accelerating. It​ wants to press home the ⁣platform advantage it now has ⁣with Apple Silicon, which, as ‍the‍ company likes ⁤to remind ⁣us, means it​ can ⁤deliver more ⁢computational performance per watt​ than‍ equivalently priced ⁤PC machines.

A Bloomberg ‌report claims Apple could ⁣introduce ​the first Macs ‍to contain​ its ‍next generation M3 ‍chip toward⁤ the end of​ the ‌year. ‌That’s⁣ faster‌ than most of⁤ us⁣ had ​expected⁣ and ⁣means Apple’s Macs will ​soon‌ deliver even⁣ more bang per ⁤buck.

The⁤ thing is⁣ that ‌the⁢ company doesn’t‌ really need ⁤to do ⁤this⁤ yet.

Get a‍ Mac? ⁤Get ⁤more than you need

M2 Macs are already powerful enough‌ for ⁤what ⁢most users‌ need. The company’s niche, but‍ expensive, Mac ‍Studio‍ and Mac⁢ Pro⁢ cater to ‌the most⁢ demanding ⁢users,‍ while the world’s most popular consumer ​notebook, the MacBook Air,‌ can⁢ do at⁢ least everything⁢ most people‌ use a Mac (or PC)⁣ for.

By‍ upgrading its ‍chip ‍architecture again, ‌Apple ‍is striking ​while ​the iron is hot. It has already built ⁢a processor ⁢advantage, ⁣and ⁤now plans ⁣to‌ build an ⁣even​ wider​ moat between ‍itself and its​ competition.

“Listen,” the ⁢company seems‌ to⁤ be saying,​ “if⁤ you⁤ want a ‌platform that combines‍ high usability⁣ with⁢ remarkable user satisfaction levels, then‍ you really should look ‍this ‌way. ⁣Not ⁣only do ⁣we have this, ​but ⁢we have the⁤ world’s ⁤most power efficient fast‌ processors ​as well.”

Not just a consumer ⁢play

This is⁤ significant ​in ​consumer‌ markets, but ⁢is ‍particularly visible in ‍enterprise tech. ⁣Just⁤ look‍ at the rapid evolution ⁤of Apple-related enterprise⁤ services⁤ firms ⁣since Apple⁣ first ​began⁤ offering Mobile Device Management APIs​ for iOS ⁣in ‍2010. ‍Thirteen ‍years⁢ later, this​ segment ‍of‍ the market has grown ‍from ⁣zero ⁤to ​hero with umpteen​ MDM vendors offering ⁤different‍ tools to help secure⁣ Apple device fleets ⁢in the enterprise.

Once⁣ upon a ⁢time,⁢ Apple⁢ ran‌ the​ popular ⁣Get‍ A⁢ Mac ads campaign ​in which ⁤actors​ were cast as the achingly trendy ‌Mac and ⁣the endearing yet…

2023-07-17 ​18:24:02
Original from‍ rnrn

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