The New York Times’ Friday Briefing: A Summary of the Latest News

The New York Times’ Friday Briefing: A Summary of the Latest News

The Pentagon is making preparations to evacuate the U.S. Embassy in Sudan. U.S. officials have acknowledged that it will not be an easy task to evacuate embassy staff, let alone the estimated 19,000 American citizens believed to be in Sudan.

In response to the escalating violence in Sudan, the U.S. is moving more troops to Djibouti, where it has a base. Yesterday, fighting intensified in Sudan, with a bombardment by warplanes in the center of Khartoum, the capital, being one of the most fearsome assaults yet.

However, Sudan’s airspace is closed, and the international airport in Khartoum has been heavily shelled, leaving destroyed planes littering the tarmac. A State Department spokesman has said that an evacuation is not currently safe due to the ongoing fighting.

Details: The death toll has risen to 330, with nearly 3,200 others wounded, according to the W.H.O. The clashes between two generals have upended a transition to a civilian-led democracy.

What’s Next: António Guterres, the U.N….

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