The Mediterranean Dilemma for Tunisia: Balancing Migration and Realpolitik

The Mediterranean Dilemma for Tunisia: Balancing Migration and Realpolitik

A storm is brewing in the Mediterranean, with Tunisia at its turbulent center. People from across Africa are making their way there, hoping to build new lives in Europe alongside thousands of local emigres. The situation has sparked political arguments over Europe’s internal politics, the energy needs of the bloc, and even the war in Ukraine. But at its heart, this storm is about human pain and the hope for a better future.

Tamba, who traveled about 6,000km (3,730 miles) from Sierra Leone to Tunisia, spent around $2,000 on his journey. He traveled by road through the desert, passing through Guinea, Mali, and Algeria. However, there is nothing for Tamba in Tunisia. He faces unemployment and racism from local inhabitants, which forced him from his apartment into a makeshift encampment outside the buildings of the International Organization for Migration. He shelters there with others, waiting for passage to Europe or some kind of solution. He has no idea what that solution could be.

2023-05-03 11:06:57 Tunisia’s choice: Migration and realpolitik in the Mediterranean
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