The Lynx Constellation

The Lynx Constellation

Constellation Lynx

The constellation Lynx is relatively small and obscure, but holds fascinating secrets waiting to be uncovered. It was first introduced by the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius in the late 17th century.

Features and Mythology

The constellation Lynx is situated in the northern sky, sandwiched between Ursa Major, Auriga, and Cancer. Despite its size, it does not possess any bright stars, making it challenging to spot without a telescope. Lynx is visible mainly during the winter months in the Northern Hemisphere.

According to ancient mythology, Lynx represents a cat-like creature with incredible sight, invented by Johannes Hevelius as a tribute to the telescope’s invention. As a result, the Lynx constellation was named to honor the innovative instrument’s ability to observe faint celestial objects.

Notable Deep-Sky Objects

Lynx hosts a few remarkable deep-sky objects that attract the attention of astronomers:

NGC 2419 (The Intergalactic Wanderer)

NGC 2419 is a globular star cluster commonly known as “The Intergalactic Wanderer” due to its remarkably remote location. It resides about 300,000 light-years away, significantly far beyond the Milky Way galaxy’s borders.

Markarian’s Chain

Markarian’s Chain is a stunning stretch of galaxies that appears within the Virgo Cluster but traverses a small part of the Lynx constellation. It comprises around ten visible galaxies, tightly interacting through gravitational forces.

Exploring the Lynx Constellation

Since the Lynx constellation is faint and lacks prominent stars, binoculars or a telescope are essential for observing its wonders. Find an observing spot away from city lights, allow your eyes to adapt to the darkness, and scan the area using star charts or mobile apps.

Remember, Lynx is not the most popular or easily recognizable constellation, but it rewards curiosity and the spirit of exploration with hidden celestial treasures.


The constellation Lynx adds a touch of mystery to the night sky with its subtle presence. Despite its lack of brilliant stars, Lynx intrigues stargazers with its association with the invention of the telescope and captivating deep-sky attractions.

So, gather your equipment, find the perfect observing location, and embark on an adventure to unravel the secrets of the elusive Lynx constellation.

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