Arrest Warrant for Putin by International Criminal Court Seen as Point of No Return in Russia

Arrest Warrant for Putin by International Criminal Court Seen as Point of No Return in Russia

The international criminal court’s arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin will probably be portrayed as a point of no return in Russia, where the Kremlin will spin the court’s decision as proof that the west is seeking nothing short of regime change.

While Putin has already been preparing his public for a long war, the arrest warrant will for the first time raise the concrete possibility that Russia’s leaders and other prominent supporters of the war could face justice at The Hague if they ever find themselves under arrest.

While that is unlikely in the near term, Russia will probably use it to raise the stakes of the war domestically and also to argue, when it wants, that any negotiations are just a smokescreen to the ultimate goal of toppling Putin.

“The west is showing that it’s ready to go all the way,” said Vladlen Tatarsky, one of the best-known of Russia’s influential military bloggers. “They’re betting on creating a schism inside Russia that wants to remove…

2023-03-17 13:29:53
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The recent news about the International Criminal Court (ICC) issuing an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin has caused widespread controversy and concern in Russia. Many observers see this move as a point of no return, which could have significant political and diplomatic repercussions.

The ICC issued the arrest warrant for Putin in connection with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where Russian-backed rebels have seized control of parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The ICC accuses Putin of overseeing a campaign of violence and intimidation against Ukrainian civilians, including indiscriminate shelling and other atrocities.

The Russian government has denied any involvement in the conflict, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. As a result, the ICC’s decision to issue an arrest warrant for Putin has been met with outrage and disbelief in Russia, where many see it as a violation of the country’s sovereignty and a politically motivated move by Western powers.

The Russian media has quickly mobilized to defend Putin and condemn the ICC’s decision. State-controlled television networks have aired segments questioning the legitimacy of the ICC and accusing Western governments of using the court as a tool to exert control over Russia.

Meanwhile, government officials have warned that the arrest warrant could have serious consequences for Russia’s diplomatic relations with other countries. They have also suggested that the move could lead to further instability and conflict in Ukraine and the wider region.

Despite these warnings, many political analysts believe that the arrest warrant could have a positive impact in the long run. They argue that it could help to hold Russia accountable for its actions in Ukraine and demonstrate to the international community that there are consequences for acts of aggression and violence.

Moreover, some experts suggest that the move could lead to greater engagement between Russia and the ICC, which could help to improve the court’s credibility and effectiveness in the future. This could ultimately lead to a more stable and peaceful world, where countries are held accountable for their actions and work together to address common challenges and threats.

In conclusion, the arrest warrant for Putin by the International Criminal Court can be seen as a point of no return in Russia, with significant political and diplomatic repercussions. While the move has caused outrage and concern in Russia, it could also help to hold the country accountable for its actions in Ukraine and promote greater engagement between Russia and the international community. Ultimately, the effects of this decision will only become clear in the months and years to come.

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