The Impact of Caribbean Salt on Climate

The Impact of Caribbean Salt on Climate

The distribution ‌of⁢ salt by ocean currents plays a crucial ⁢role in regulating the global climate. This is what researchers from ‌Dalhousie University in Canada, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Alfred ⁢Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and MARUM—Center for Marine Environmental ​Sciences⁤ at the⁤ University of Bremen, have found‌ in‌ a new study published ​in Science Advances.

They⁢ studied natural climate ⁤anomalies, including the so-called Little Ice⁤ Age. ⁢This cold period from ​the 15th⁣ to the mid-19th century led ⁤to⁤ poor harvests, famine and⁢ disease⁢ in⁢ Europe.⁢ Although the Little Ice Age is one of the most studied periods in‍ recent history, the underlying‌ climatic mechanisms remain controversial.

“Looking at recent, natural climate anomalies helps to understand the processes and mechanisms that human-induced global warming may trigger,” says Dr. Anastasia Zhuravleva, ⁤lead author of the study. ⁢She ⁢was a Ph.D. student at GEOMAR ⁤and received the⁢ Annette Barthelt Prize for her dissertation in 2019. She then worked‍ as a post-doctoral⁣ researcher at GEOMAR and Dalhousie‍ University, where the study was‍ completed.

“Researchers ⁣often consider‌ an ⁤increase in sea ice extent and desalination in⁢ the ⁤subpolar North Atlantic as ‍possible triggers for past‌ cold periods, but processes in the tropical Atlantic appear to be equally ‌important,” says Dr. Zhuravleva.

“In‌ fact, in contrast to the northern⁢ and mid-latitudes, there is little information on these recent ‌climate events from the subtropical-tropical Atlantic and their impact on regions in ​the Northern Hemisphere,” adds Dr. Henning‌ Bauch, paleoclimatologist⁢ at⁤ AWI and⁢ GEOMAR, ⁤co-initiator and co-author of the⁢ study. “This is where our research comes in.”

2023-11-03 19:41:02
Original from rnrn

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