The Forgotten Memory Magic of Google Assistant

The Forgotten Memory Magic of Google Assistant

If there’s one thing I always remember these days,​ it’s that my malleable mammal memory sure ain’t what it used ⁢to be.

As‍ (I think) I’ve said plenty of times before, ⁤my ​brain stopped storing new stuff somewhere around 2014. These days, I ⁢rely on a ‍complex system of carefully crafted reminders — both virtual​ and physical — to make sure I never forget ⁢anything important.

And yet, I just realized I’d forgotten about one⁤ of Android’s most useful remembering functions. In fact, it’s‍ entirely possible I’d never even noticed it at all up until just ​recently, when I happened to⁣ stumble onto⁤ it over the holidays. (I’d tell you for sure, but — well…y’know.)

The feature of which ​we speak is a ​sweet⁢ little somethin’ that’s tied into Google Assistant on Android and ⁢connected to ⁣an option ‌most ‍of ​us Android-adoring animals ​rarely remember⁢ to⁤ relish. But with the new ‌year‍ upon us, lemme tell ya: It is well⁢ worth your⁢ while to‌ dig it up and get yourself in the habit of embracing it.

So what is‍ it? Excellent ⁣question, m’dearie. It’s essentially a hub for Assistant’s wonderful yet woefully underappreciated cross-platform info-storing system. And if you, too, have‍ trouble‍ remembering stuff as you wade ‌your ⁢way around this wide, wild world of​ ours, ​it might be just the slice o’ brain-aiding ‍sorcery you never knew you needed.

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Assistant’s Android memory bank

All right — ​enough introductory blathering.‍ The magic words at the center of this revelation are actually quite simple. ‍Ready?

Hey Google: Open memory.

Say those eight splendid syllables to any Android apparatus‌ within earshot, and Google Assistant will ⁢open ⁤up a ‌virtual memory‌ bank of everything you’ve ever asked⁣ it to ⁤remember.


Assistant’s on-demand ‌memory storage center — never more than a ‍few short words away.

Who knew?!

For context, what Assistant is actually ​showing here is stuff you’ve ‌explicitly told it to store for you —⁤ as part of that broader memory option‌ we mentioned ​a moment ago. We talked ​about that option in our collection of little-known‌ Google ⁢Assistant⁢ Android tricks ⁣just before ‌the holiday break,⁣ in fact.⁣ Remember?

You can ask your⁢ Android Assistant ​to‌ remember⁣ virtually⁤ anything — and then spout it back ⁤to you anytime down the road.

So, for instance, ⁤you might ask Assistant to ⁣remember that the door ⁤code is 8675309 — or to remember that Gertrude’s daughter is named Gilly.

All you’ve gotta do is say something like Hey⁢ Google, ‍remember that Gertrude’s daughter is named Gilly, and that’s it. ⁢Assistant ​will handle the rest.

Now, typically, once you’ve uttered such a request to your ⁤Android⁣ phone’s⁣ Assistant, the onus falls upon⁣ you to then⁣ ask Assistant to ⁢recall that⁤ same⁣ specific info sometime ⁣later — so, for instance:

What’s the door ‌code?
What’s Gertrude’s daughter named?

Or, if⁣ you’d…

2024-01-03 23:00:03
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