The Endangered Tradition: Mauritania’s Date Harvest Under Threat from Climate Change

The Endangered Tradition: Mauritania’s Date Harvest Under Threat from Climate Change

In ​the heart of ⁤Azougui, the relentless advance⁣ of sand‍ is ‌slowly consuming the ⁢once vibrant trees, painting a⁣ bleak picture of nature’s struggle. Aliene Haimoud stood atop ‍a small sand dune, his eyes filled with sorrow as he witnessed the gradual demise of the yellowing date palms.

This oasis village, located 450 kilometers⁤ northeast of Nouakchott, Mauritania’s capital, is battling against the encroaching desert. Despite the looming threat, the residents are gearing up for the⁢ Guetna, an annual harvest date⁣ that‌ holds deep cultural significance.

The‍ Guetna is a joyous occasion, bringing together families in celebration of the small, ⁤sweet fruit that sustains their livelihoods. It is a time of unity​ and festivity, where friendships multiply and bonds strengthen.

However, with each dying palm tree, a ​piece of the village’s essence fades away. The struggle against nature’s relentless ‍march is a poignant reminder of the fragility of life in this harsh environment.

Published on 2024-07-19 07:15:02

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