The Earth’s Planet

The Earth’s Planet

Planet Earth

Planet Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only known planet with abundant water, an atmosphere that supports life, and geological activity.

Interesting Facts


The earth has a diameter of 12,742 kilometers at the equator and 12,714 kilometers at the poles. It has a total surface area of 510.072 million square kilometers, of which 148.94 million square kilometers is land and 361.132 million square kilometers is water.

Continent Surface Area (sq km) % of Total Area
Asia 44,579,000 29.5
Africa 30,221,532 20.1
North America 24,471,500 16.2
South America 17,840,000 11.8
Australia 8,600,000 5.7
Antarctica 13,829,430 9.2
Europe 10,180,000 6.8


The earth supports a wide variety of plants, animals, and microorganisms that make up complex ecosystems. These ecosystems can be found in various terrestrial and aquatic environments.


Planet Earth is a fascinating place teeming with life and geological activity. From the highest peaks to the depths of the oceans, there is much to explore and discover on this planet we call home.

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