The Continuous Coal Shortage Faced by a New Plant in Bangladesh

The Continuous Coal Shortage Faced by a New Plant in Bangladesh

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What is the source of coal for the new coal plant in Bangladesh?


Bangladesh has been investing heavily in coal power plants to address its growing energy demands. However, the country’s newest coal plant, the 1,320 MW Payra power plant, has been plagued with a recurring problem – it keeps running out of coal supply.

The Reason Behind the Problem

There are several reasons why the plant keeps running out of coal supply. One of the primary reasons is that the coal mines that supply the plant are located several hundred kilometers away from the power plant. This distance makes the transportation of coal a logistical nightmare, especially during the monsoon season, when road and river travel are disrupted.

Another factor is the inconsistency in coal supply from the mines. The mines are owned by private companies, and they prioritize the export of coal to other countries, which provides them with better profits. Moreover, the transportation infrastructure to the mines is inadequate, which results in delays and interruptions in coal supply.

The Impact of the Power Plant’s Inefficiency

The constant disruptions in coal supply have severe implications for the power plant’s efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The plant’s operations are designed to operate based on a steady supply of coal. When there are frequent disruptions in coal supply, the power plant’s output is reduced, resulting in a loss of potential revenue.

Moreover, the frequent transportation of coal over long distances also increases the plant’s operating costs. The fuel costs incurred to transport coal are added to the plant’s overall cost, which ultimately affects the end consumers who will have to pay higher electricity bills.

Possible Solutions to the Problem

To address the problem of frequent coal shortages, the government of Bangladesh and the plant’s management team are considering several solutions. One potential solution is to construct a new coal mine closer to the power plant to ensure a steady supply of coal. Another option is to upgrade the existing transportation infrastructure to reduce transportation time and costs.

Furthermore, the plant’s management team is considering diversifying its energy sources to rely less on coal power. The plant could integrate renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power to supplement the coal power’s output.


The frequent coal shortages at the Payra power plant in Bangladesh are a consequence of several logistical and operational challenges. However, by adopting innovative and practical solutions, the plant’s management team can address the problem and ensure a steady supply of coal. Moreover, diversifying its energy sources could ultimately help the plant to become more cost-effective and efficient in the long run, benefitting both the plant and its consumers. rnrn

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