The Constellation of Coma Berenices

The Constellation of Coma Berenices

Constellation Coma Berenices

Welcome stargazers! Today, we embark on an exploration of the magnificent constellation known as Coma Berenices.


Coma Berenices is a faint constellation located in the northern sky. Its name is Latin for “Berenice’s Hair” and dates back to the ancient Greek astronomer Conon of Samos who named it after Queen Berenice II of Egypt.


The constellation’s most prominent feature is a beautiful open star cluster named Coma Star Cluster, or Melotte 111, composed of about 40 stars. This cluster is visible to the naked eye and dazzles when observed through a telescope.

Another fascinating object within Coma Berenices is the enigmatic galaxy known as the Coma Cluster. It is one of the largest structures found in the universe, consisting of thousands of galaxies. The Coma Cluster is a captivating sight for astronomers and continues to be a subject of extensive research.

Observation Tips

To observe Coma Berenices, it is best to find a dark location away from city lights. During clear, moonless nights, you can easily spot the constellation between the constellations of Leo and Boötes.

Look for a small arc of stars resembling a receding hairline, representing the legendary Queen Berenice’s hair. The cluster and the Coma Cluster galaxy lie near this distinctive formation.


The legend behind Coma Berenices involves an ancient Egyptian queen, Berenice II, offering her hair to the gods as a sign of gratitude for her husband’s safe return from battle. The gods, impressed by her sacrifice, placed the constellation in the sky as a celestial honor.

Astrolabe, the ancient Greek instrument used for astronomical measurements, depicted the constellation as a lock of hair, further emphasizing its mythological connection.


Constellation Coma Berenices is a mesmerizing sight to behold. Its star cluster and the Coma Cluster galaxy provide insights into the vastness and beauty of our universe. Whether you are an aspiring astronomer or simply enjoy gazing at the night sky, exploring Coma Berenices will surely enrich your celestial journey.

So, grab your telescope, find a clear night, and let the wonders of Coma Berenices unfold before your eyes!

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