The Arrival of Windows-as-an-App

The Arrival of Windows-as-an-App

My ‍first computer was an IBM 360 mainframe. To use ⁢it, I relied on a 3270 terminal. From there, I quickly​ moved on to a ‌PDP-11 minicomputer running Unix — where my interface was a VT-102 ‌terminal.

In those days, all the computing power was ⁢remote. Then, CP/M, Apple, and IBM PCs changed everything. And‍ the desktop ⁣became where power⁢ lived. That was then; this​ is ​now. Today, we’re moving back to remote computing⁢ and from the PC to cloud-based Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) offerings such as Windows 365.

This is exactly what Microsoft ‍has​ wanted for‌ years. ‌Don’t believe me? ‍Check out Windows ‌App, Microsoft’s ⁣gateway to all ‍its remote Windows offerings.

Windows ‌App, which is still in beta, will ⁣let you connect to Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365, Microsoft Dev Box, Remote Desktop Services, and remote PCs from, well, pretty much any computing device.‌ Specifically,‍ you can use it from Macs, ⁣iPhones, iPads, other Windows machines, and — ⁢pay attention! — web browsers.

That last part means you’ll be able to​ run Windows from Linux-powered PCs, Chromebooks, and Android phones and tablets.

So, if‍ you’ve been stuck ⁤running Windows because your⁣ boss insists that⁤ you can’t get your job ‌done from a Chromebook, Linux PC, or Mac, your day‍ has ⁤come. You can still run the machine you want ⁣and use Windows for only those times you require⁤ Windows-specific ​software.

Mind you, you’ve ‌been able to do that ⁤for some time.⁤ As⁣ I pointed out recently, all the‌ Windows software vendors don’t want ⁢you to run standalone Windows applications; they prefer web-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. They can make a lot more money from you by insisting​ you pay‍ a monthly subscription ⁢rather than a one-time payment.

Sure, Microsoft made its first⁣ billions from Windows and ​the PC desktop, but that hasn’t‌ been its business plan for ‌years now. As Zac Bowden, a senior editor ​at Windows Central, recently spotted in a June 2022 ​Microsoft internal presentation, the company  plans to “Move Windows 11 increasingly ​to the⁤ cloud: Build on ⁤Windows 365 to enable a ‍full Windows operating‍ system⁣ streamed from the cloud to⁢ any device.⁣ Use the power of the cloud and client to enable improved AI-powered services and full roaming of people’s digital experience.”

This move was coming⁢ long⁢ before ‍Microsoft fell in⁣ love ⁢with AI. I ⁤saw Microsoft switching people ⁢to Windows DaaS coming down the road in 2018. ​Windows App will ⁢just make it easier than ever.

How easy is it? Very.

For example, you’ll be able to‌ use Windows remotely via ‌browsers ​using ancient versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and, of ⁤course, Edge.‌ Essentially, if ⁢your‍ web ‍browser supports HTML5, you should be good to go.

From a browser, you’ll be⁤ able to redirect ‌your local devices, ⁣such as a printer, microphones, cameras,‌ and⁢ your location,⁣ as ​well as ‍audio, and clipboard to your remote session. If you redirect your local clipboard to your remote session, you can copy and paste‍ text.

Microsoft is…

2023-11-28 18:41:03
Source from rnrn

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