Swarm of Boulders Sent into Space by NASA’s DART Mission

Swarm of Boulders Sent into Space by NASA’s DART Mission

When a probe ​smashed into ‍a small asteroid‌ last year, ‌the collision ⁣did ‌more than change‍ the asteroid’s orbit‍ — it⁢ blasted a⁣ few ‌dozen hefty boulders⁢ into ⁢space‌ too.
The boulders⁢ probably aren’t bits that‌ were pulverized ⁤from ⁤larger⁣ rocks​ during⁢ the ‌impact.‌ Instead, simulations ⁤suggest ‌they were likely intact when‍ they⁣ were blasted‌ off Dimorphos and could‌ have ⁢been⁣ launched ‍off ⁤the moonlet’s⁢ rubble-covered ​surface by the energy ⁤of either ⁢the collision‌ or the seismic⁢ waves bouncing around⁣ inside it ⁢in the wake​ of the ⁤impact.
Still,‍ “there’s a ⁢lot⁤ of⁣ uncertainty⁢ in‌ such simulations,” planetary​ astronomer David⁤ Jewitt⁣ of ​the‍ University of California,⁤ Los⁤ Angeles.
Based on the ⁣brightness ‌of the ⁤new objects, some ⁣of ‍the ‌dimmest ever ⁤spied by‌ Hubble in ⁣our solar⁤ system, ⁤Jewitt​ and‍ colleagues estimate⁣ that⁢ these boulders‍ may ​be ⁢as⁣ wide⁤ as 7​ meters. At least 15‌ are larger than 4 meters across.⁢ Together, ⁢the ‍researchers calculate, the boulders probably ‌weigh ⁢just over ​5 million kilograms ‍— roughly ⁢the weight of 300 ‍dump‍ truck loads ‌of ​gravel.

2023-07-21 ‍16:10:06⁣
Link from www.sciencenews.org

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