Studying Nanofluids through Einstein’s Tea Leaf Paradox

Studying Nanofluids through Einstein’s Tea Leaf Paradox

Stirring can allow the‍ dispersion of⁤ substances evenly in⁣ liquid. Einstein’s tea ‍leaf ⁤paradox is a concept that shows how tea leaves can concentrate in ‌a doughnut shape through a secondary flow effect during ‍stirring. In⁤ a new study published in Science Advances, Zehui Zhang and colleagues ​in physics and engineering in China, demonstrated the Einstein’s tea leaf paradox (abbreviated as ETLP) induced⁢ concentration in nanofluids.

They⁣ accomplished this by simulating the nanoparticle‌ trajectory under stirring ⁣to obtain a grayscale analysis of nanofluids under stirring⁢ and standing ⁤processes. The team ‍applied the localized concentration to achieve ultrafast​ aggregation of gold nanoparticles to form gold aerogels. They adjusted the gold aerogels from about 10 to 200 nm and developed ⁣a constituent of extremely high purity and crystallinity to reveal potential applications in photocatalysis and surface-enhanced Raman scattering.

In 1926, Albert Einstein described a simple experimental observation while stirring tea, where the leaves followed a ‌spiral​ trajectory towards the center of the cup.⁤ Accordingly, the gathering‌ of tea ‍leaves under stirring due to the secondary flow is‌ useful‌ to collect microscale particles in dispersion​ systems. ‍Since⁣ nanoparticles ​with better stability usually​ move together with the fluid due to Brownian‍ motion, during Einstein’s‍ tea leaf paradox, the flow⁣ velocity paradox induced laminar flows, driving the localized‌ concentration or aggregation of ‍colloidal nanoparticles inside the thin flow.

Materials scientists have focused on metal⁤ aerogels ‍such as gold, in catalysis, absorption, and device biocompatibility ⁣applications, as well as in electrochemistry. Typically, ⁤three main routes can ⁢be used to prepare metal aerogels. In⁣ this ⁤work, Zhang and ‌colleagues showed the localized‌ aggregation of gold ⁤nanoparticles and the regulation ⁤of the ⁤microstructures of gold aerogels. The⁢ Einstein’s tea ​leaf paradox-induced localized aggregation of ⁣metal particles pave the way to other types of gels or​ aerogel ‍production.

The scientists studied the relationship between nanoparticle distribution and flow velocity in nanofluids by using COMSOL Multiphysics software to recreate⁤ the movement of nanoparticles in laminar flow under stirring. They monitored the ⁤nanoparticle ⁢trajectory after stirring for 500 seconds, where‌ the nanoparticles in the⁢ middle moved faster with a longer trajectory. The high motion frequency and amplitude of⁤ the nanoparticles in the high-velocity regions promoted the encounters ⁢of nanoparticles to make them more concentrated or crosslinked.

2023-09-29 03:24:03
Post‍ from rnrn

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