Study reveals oceans as primary source of atmospheric microplastic transport

Study reveals oceans as primary source of atmospheric microplastic transport

Microplastics in our natural environments⁣ are of increasing concern as these tiny particles (<5mm diameter) pollute ecosystems, posing issues to the well-being‍ of animals and humans alike. There are two principal categories of microplastics: primary particles are​ manufactured for their size and originate from consumer products,⁢ such as the microbeads used​ in cosmetics, while secondary microplastics ⁢occur due to the ‌breakdown of‌ larger materials, such as plastic water bottles and matter ⁢from industrial waste.

This‍ breakdown occurs ⁢due to ultraviolet radiation‍ from the sun causing plastic to become brittle and⁢ thus susceptible to the erosive action of waves⁣ in particular ‍to shear off flakes into the surrounding environment.

Their⁢ longevity ⁣during decomposition, taking upwards of 500 years to complete in a landfill, is a critical ‍factor of their ‌detrimental​ impact on habitats. Marine animals ingest microplastics suspended in the ocean, and microplastics mixed with the sand on our⁢ beaches is barely noticeable. Research has discovered ‌microplastics in the smallest plankton all the way through to filter feeding giants of the sea—whales.

But ⁢it is ‌not just​ the ocean that transports these tiny particles across the globe. Atmospheric wind regimes ⁣can carry microplastics vast distances, and their shape has a critical impact on airborne retention before deposition.

New research published in Nature Geoscience ‍considers a theory-based model to determine the settling velocity (the point at which ⁢a particle stops being suspended in air and settles due ‌to gravity)​ of microplastics of various sizes and shapes (up to ⁣100μm long and down to 2μm‍ wide), as compared to previous research that⁢ has assumed spherical microplastics. The‌ effect of ⁢air turbulence on settling velocity was also factored to ⁤determine long distance transport.

2023-10-04 01:48:03
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