An exciting announcement from MGM+ reveals that they have greenlit an eight-episode series based on Stephen King’s gripping 2019 novel, The Institute. This thrilling story centers around 12-year-old Luke Ellis and a group of children with extraordinary psychic abilities who are abducted and imprisoned in a mysterious facility hidden deep within the Maine wilderness. As their powers are exploited, their fates become entwined with that of former cop Tim Jamieson. As a devoted fan of King’s work, I am cautiously optimistic about this adaptation.
The cast for the series has been partially revealed, with Ben Barnes (known for Shadow and Bone) set to play Jamieson and Mary-Louise Parker (from Weeds) taking on the role of the sinister Mrs. Sigsby. The show will be written and produced by Benjamin Cavell, who previously worked on the 2020 remake of The Stand miniseries. Despite mixed reviews for that project, I am hopeful for what this team can achieve with The Institute.
2024-06-15 15:32:20
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