Spanish Parliament Rejects Catalan Separatist Amnesty Proposal

Spanish Parliament Rejects Catalan Separatist Amnesty Proposal

Lawmakers in Catalonia have rejected an amnesty bill, causing a setback for Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s government due to disagreements between the ruling Socialists and a Catalan separatist party.

The bill, voted down by 179 to 171, will now go back to a parliamentary committee for further ​discussion and a ⁢potential revote in the lower house.

Last year, Sanchez agreed to propose the ‍bill in exchange for support ⁤from two small‍ Catalan separatist parties.

However, the Catalan Junts party voted against the bill after failing to reach a last-minute agreement with ​the Socialist​ Workers’ ⁤Party.

Source: Al ‌Jazeera

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