Spain’s inaugural private rocket launch to be conducted by PLD Space

Spain’s inaugural private rocket launch to be conducted by PLD Space

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What payload is Spain’s first private rocket carrying?

The beginning of a new era for Spanish space exploration

Spain is ready to make history once again! This time, it comes from private company PLD Space, which is set to launch Spain’s first private rocket into space. This is an exciting milestone for Spanish space exploration and an excellent example of how the private sector is contributing to advancements in that field. The launch will herald the beginning of a new era for Spain, and the world is watching with anticipation.

The rocket that will take Spain into space

The rocket that PLD Space will use for the launch is named MIURA 1, and it has been in development since 2011. This rocket is smaller than others used for launching satellites. The main purpose of the MIURA 1 is for testing and proving ongoing research and technology, which will be valuable for future missions. The rocket’s first launch is planned for 2021 and will take off from the El Arenosillo test center in Huelva.

Impact of the launch on the space industry

This new milestone sets Spain on a path towards becoming a leading space power among the world’s nations. It will put Spanish companies and scientific institutions at the forefront of space research, development, and innovation. It will also provide several employment opportunities in the private space sector while positioning Spain as an attractive destination for international business.


PLD Space’s achievement is not just its but a remarkable step for Spanish space exploration and the Spanish space industry. It will be fascinating to see how this milestone serves as a stepping stone for future missions, both commercial and government-led. We have no doubt that Spain’s first private rocket launch is just the beginning of a bright future for Spanish space exploration. rnrn

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