Sources: Beijing Urges Moderation of China Risks in IPO Prospectuses

Sources: Beijing Urges Moderation of China Risks in IPO Prospectuses

July⁢ 24 (Reuters) – Beijing has asked law firms to ⁣tone down‍ the language used to describe China-related business risks in Chinese companies’ offshore listing documents, warning failure to do so could cost them regulatory ‌green light for ⁤the IPOs, three people familiar with the matter said.

The ‍move, which not been reported before, is the latest⁤ in tightening ​scrutiny of Chinese companies’ offshore listings, and comes at ​a⁢ time when Beijing ⁣is stepping up controls ‌over cross-border transfer of sensitive information.

The ⁣China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on July 20 met with local lawyers and ⁤asked them to refrain ​from including​ negative descriptions of China’s policies or its business and legal environment in companies’ listing prospectuses, the people said.

The closed-door meeting‌ followed informal, so-called window⁣ guidance the regulator had offered ⁤on ​the subject ⁤to firms that work on listing applications over ⁣the past few months, the⁤ three sources said.

A ⁢spokesperson for the U.S.⁣ Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) declined to comment.

Last week, the securities regulator said it had ‌directed ​to Chinese companies listed on U.S. stock ‍exchanges to disclose more details about the role of the Chinese government in their operations‍ and the impact of a 2021 law⁤ banning the import of goods from⁤ China’s Uyghur region.

The letter is ⁣part of the SEC’s effort to ‌implement⁢ a 2020⁣ law that increases ​scrutiny of‍ U.S.-listed Chinese companies.

Chinese companies planning overseas share offerings would typically ​list changes in ⁤China’s changing economic, political⁤ and social conditions as well as changes in government policies and regulations and⁤ trade tensions with‍ the United States among⁣ business risks,⁤ their public disclosures showed.

The‍ Chinese law firms acting as IPO ⁣advisors have been asked to drop ⁣such ⁤boilerplate risk disclosures, said one of ​the people, who declined ⁢to‍ be identified⁤ as the discussions were confidential.

The ‌latest guidance could force⁣ Chinese ⁣companies‌ to delay or even put on hold their share offerings in the United States, since regulators there require full risk disclosure, two of the people ⁢said.

China’s⁣ new offshore listing rules that came into effect on March 31 forbid any comments in the listing ⁤documents that “misrepresent or disparage laws ​and policies,‌ business ⁣environment and judicial situation” of China.

However,⁣ the rules do not specify what would qualify as such comments.

All major markets require issuers to disclose to prospective ​investors risks related to the company itself, its business sector, and the country where it is headquartered in.

The China-specific risk statements⁣ in prospectuses prepared after March 31 caught the attention⁢ of‌ some senior leaders in Beijing, prompting the CSRC to reiterate its ⁣stance on the subject to ​dealmakers, ⁤one of the sources said.

CSRC ​told law​ firms at the meeting last week not to sign off any offshore share offering disclosures, which ⁢included statements that ⁤distorted or…

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