Sony’s World of Jumanji creator aims to transform additional Sony intellectual property into amusement parks.

Sony’s World of Jumanji creator aims to transform additional Sony intellectual property into amusement parks.

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What is Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Strategy for Developing Theme Parks Based on Their Intellectual Property?

Sony Pictures Entertainment has found success with their theme park based on the popular film World of Jumanji. The theme park, located in Thailand, has received rave reviews from visitors and has generated a lot of buzz in the entertainment industry. Now, the company is looking to expand their portfolio of theme parks by turning even more Sony intellectual property into immersive experiences.

Plans for the Future

Sony Pictures Entertainment has not yet announced which intellectual properties they plan to turn into theme parks, but there is speculation that franchises such as Men in Black, Ghostbusters, and Spider-Man could be in the running. These properties have strong fan bases and would provide ample opportunities for immersive experiences.

Why Theme Parks?

Theme parks based on popular intellectual properties have become increasingly popular in recent years. Companies such as Disney and Universal have created entire worlds based on their respective franchises, attracting millions of visitors each year. Sony Pictures Entertainment is hoping to capitalize on this trend by creating their own immersive experiences based on their intellectual properties.

These theme parks not only provide a new revenue stream for the company, but they also offer an opportunity to strengthen the brand and connect with fans in a new way. By offering an immersive experience, fans can feel as though they are a part of their favorite franchise, which can lead to increased loyalty and brand recognition.


The success of the World of Jumanji theme park has shown that there is a demand for immersive experiences based on popular intellectual properties. Sony Pictures Entertainment is hoping to capitalize on this demand by turning more of their franchises into theme parks. While no official announcements have been made, fans are eagerly awaiting news about which franchises will be next.

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