Snapchat’s AI chatbot experienced a major glitch, resulting in the unexpected posting of Stories

Snapchat’s AI chatbot experienced a major glitch, resulting in the unexpected posting of Stories

Since its‌ debut in February, my⁣ AI, the in-app digital‌ assistant that manages your Snapchat Plus experience,‍ has experienced numerous breakdowns and⁤ technical malfunctions. On Tuesday, it continued to malfunction by posting single-second-long Stories to users’ feeds, even though‍ it doesn’t have the capability to do so. This caused it to become⁣ unresponsive for ⁣extended periods of⁢ time. As a result, ⁤many⁤ people on Twitter are now speculating if we’re witnessing the beginning of‍ the ​Singularity.

According ‌to TechCrunch, the My AI chatbot posted a two-tone‌ image in ⁣Stories, which⁤ one user mistakenly ​thought⁣ was⁤ a picture of their ceiling. When asked about the mysterious post, the bot would either go silent ​or claim‍ to be experiencing technical difficulties. This explanation…

2023-08-16 14:08:09
Link from rnrn

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