Small music venues struggle to maintain affordable prices amidst rising inflation

Small music venues struggle to maintain affordable prices amidst rising inflation

Melis82 | Istock ⁣| Getty​ Images

Small or independent music venues have always faced challenges in turning a profit.​ Now,⁣ with rising operating costs, some owners are struggling to maintain affordable ticket prices ⁢for audiences and take risks on lesser-known⁢ artists.

In the past ⁢year,⁣ music fans have flocked back to large stadiums to attend sold-out shows ‌by icons like Beyoncé or Taylor Swift, even as consumer spending on leisure activities ​has decreased. However, many⁣ smaller, independent venues have‌ yet to see a return to pre-pandemic levels ‍of ‍business, according ⁣to Stephen Parker, executive director of the National Independent ​Venue Association.

“If ​you are ⁤a larger venue, you’re probably doing quite well post-pandemic,” he said. “But if you were a smaller venue,​ you⁣ are seeing business, and you’re keeping your head‍ above‌ water, but you’re also seeing⁣ that many ⁤of the things that larger organizations have at their disposal, which is economies ⁤of scale, is ⁤becoming harder.”

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2023-11-25 08:00:01
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